During the Navratri Festival, add a Festive Twist to Nine Different Green Teas

All celebrations are best enjoyed with tea because it keeps us energised. The decision to drink a cup of tea could be thought of as a great way to ensure your health. Tea is the solution for everything from staying hydrated to calming down and detoxing.

Numerous holidays, including Navratri and Diwali, will soon begin, and thousands of tea connoisseurs will be anxiously stocking up on their preferred teas before supplies run out. Make sure your cup of tea is the highlight of the season among all the delectable food and beverages at the festivals.

Let's quickly look at the various tea varieties you can relish and greet your guests during the festive season.

A perfect cup of Tea- An ideal way to celebrate Navratri

The nine days of Navaratri are a fortunate time to commemorate Shakti, or the Goddess, and to balance the feminine in our lives via rituals, food, gifts, and mindful intention. The feminine side of our nature is essential to who we are, regardless of gender. The feminine principle, or Shakti, embodies nurturing, optimism, creativity, adaptability, inner strength, healing, and compassion for all life. Similar to how Navratri represents eliminating all negativity, our bodies, too, require a strong cleansing and detoxification process to operate at their peak. This Navratri, let's find that balance in a delightful cup of nutritious tea that might promote our Shakti or the 'feminine' component of our lives.

Nine green tea products:

1.  The chamomile tea

Chamomile is also regarded as a sleep tonic because it controls sleep and is especially helpful during the summer nights. The calming effects of chamomile green tea contribute to a restful night's sleep.

2.  Peppermint tea

If you frequently have headaches, peppermint tea is perfect for you. It also helps to improve brain function by enhancing memory and mental attentiveness. It additionally possesses qualities that lessen motion sickness. These two types of tea can heal one's body, mind, and soul when celebrations become too chaotic. A decent peppermint tea will undoubtedly aid one in enjoying a relaxing festival break.

3.  Green Lemon Tea

Green lemon tea that has been chilled is excellent for keeping hydrated and revitalised at the beach or a barbecue.

4.  Black Tea

One can sneak in a tea-based cocktail or a mocktail to enjoy the party and stay hydrated during the event. Black tea may be used to make a variety of tasty, healthful drinks, which is why the demand for black tea rises significantly around the holidays. Black tea is a well-considered choice for staying hydrated and productive while working out at the gym.

5.  Green tea

Green tea is rich in nutrients and minerals and has strong antioxidant effects. Regular consumption would raise a person's ability to perform both mentally and physically, as well as improve digestion and burn calories. Green ltea is regarded as the healthiest beverage on earth for the reasons listed above.

6.  Kashmiri Kahwa:

Kashmiri kahwa as enticingly savoury notes of Indian spices. The amber-yellow shades of the tea with an alluring scent of saffron and a beautiful bouquet of rose petals taste heavenly and look and feel beautiful. The comforting rose petals and Kashmiri saffron balance out the familiar flavours of cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and the nutty undertones of almonds.

7.  Assam tea

Different Assam tea varieties should be considered if someone wishes to detoxify or find a technique to strengthen their immune system. Assam Lemon tea, for instance, fits into this category. Assam tea contains a number of antimicrobial ingredients.

8.  Oolong Tea

Did you know that roughly 2% of the world's total tea production is oolong tea? It blends the best qualities of black and green teas, offering it a variety of intriguing health advantages, including a fast metabolism and reduced stress. Oolong teas are created from the Camellia Sinensis plant's leaves and go through a different processing step than green and black tea. Oolong teas are partially oxidised; the taste and colour vary depending on the variety. In addition to helping with weight loss, regular oolong tea use can lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and potentially prevent heart disease.

9.  Darjeeling Tea

Darjeeling tea is extremely uncommon and is grown in a small, steep district in India's northeast. Seasonal variations are the key factor affecting the stock. Darjeeling, renowned as the "champagne of teas," is one of the first varieties to disappear during the celebrations. In addition to the highly distinctive, unusual, and wonderful flavour for which it is recognised worldwide, it is a treasure mine of health advantages thanks to antioxidants.


All that is left for you to do is acquire these teas so that you can celebrate your festival celebrations while being healthy. You can enjoy the best experience with the ideal mixtures. Try it out and judge for yourself!

TGL Co. is exceptional in selecting and offering you the most incredible variety of teas across India. Find your preferred flavour to indulge in an experience like never before. Check out the assortments of tea and coffee blends available at TGL Co. to light up your festive celebrations. Don't miss out on the specially curated gifting options available here.